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jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Placage UV dans Rhino 5

Apprenez à mettre en place un placage UV et un espace de texture pour vos modèles dans la version 5 de Rhino. 

3 commentaires:

yackerie a dit…

Hi there, great tutorial. However I'm experiencing some difficulties using the unwrapping tool as I don't seem to be able to see the bipmap on the floor when using the UV editor. I'm using V-ray as a renderer. Is there any solution to this? Many thanks.

Unknown a dit…

I've the same problem...
Someone else ?

Anonyme a dit…

Some of these clones are very good, however there are small differences in the best way|the way in which} they print a web page comparability with} real HP printers. PCL is an escape code language used to send instructions to the printer for printing documents. Escape code language has its name because of|as a result of} Direct CNC the escape key begins the command sequence followed by a collection of code numbers. HP initially devised PCL for dot matrix and inkjet printers.